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States could, in theory, try to keep Mr. Trump off the ballot by passing legislation requiring a clean criminal record, but this would be on legally shaky ground. The California Supreme Court also unanimously blocked it as a violation of the state constitution, and the case never reached the U.S. Supreme Court. And the 14th Amendment is separate from criminal cases, meaning convictions would not disqualify Mr. Trump either. Now that Mr. Trump has secured a majority of delegates to the Republican convention, the party has no mechanism to nominate somebody else. Mr. Trump is registered to vote in Florida, and he would be disenfranchised there if convicted of a felony.
Persons: Donald J, Trump, Eugene V, Debs, Jessica Levinson, , , Anthony Michael Kreis, that’s, , Richard L, Kreis, — Ron DeSantis, Chris Taylor, Erwin Chemerinsky, “ It’s, Levinson, Biden, Mr, Chemerinsky, Nixon, Justice Department —, Trump Justice Department —, Jones, Bill Clinton, Charlie Savage Organizations: Republican, Democratic, Loyola Law School, California Supreme, U.S, Supreme, Colorado Supreme, Mr, Georgia State University, University of California, Florida, Offender, New, Justice Department, Trump Justice Department Locations: United States, New York, Georgia, California, Colorado, Los Angeles, Florida, Berkeley, Clinton
Total: 1